Crushing Videos - Sexy girls crushing all kinds of stuff - Page 9

This mistress does not like a lot of sugar. When she realized that this guy had bought her cake, she was disappointed but she did not show him. She took it home but the minute she closed the door behind her, she crushed the cake with her boots and she destroyed it. The mistress did no care about the mess she created as she crushed and stomped on the cake.

Because she was the one who bought him toys, this mistress expected her son to behave well but he did not. She was disappointed in him and she could not go on treating him with kid gloves. She had to be tough on him as she knew the world would be harsh on him if he did not change. So she crushed his toy cars using her heels and as he cried, he learned that there were consequences to actions.

Mistress Krush loves to wear boots as they make her look taller and sexier. In addition, she loves them because they are a weapon she can unleash at any time she feels like. And when dealing with this guy today, she used them to scare him and make him be afraid to mess with her or even to disappoint her. And that is how she managed to control him and have him do the things she wanted.

Mistress Alexa loves to pass time by doing crazy things and today she crushed a baby stroller she found in her basement. She had never used it in ages as her kids were all grown. She was home alone so she took it and she rode it while she crushed it and she only stopped when she had managed to destroy it completely. It was fun for her and it kept her occupied.

Lady Scarlet wanted a new phone but she knew her husband would ask her where she had taken her old one. So she waited until he had gone to work and she crushed it with her high heels. He tried to reach her several times but could not. And when he came home, she told him it had fallen while she was doing house chores. He felt sorry for her and he bought her the phone she wanted.

Lady Asmodina was angry and she knew that she could not meet her family when she was in that state. So she had to take out her anger on something before she took it out on someone in her family. That is why she chose to take out her anger on a toy car on her way home. And she was successful in her quest as it was therapeutic and she felt great.

Goddess Mel caught her husband watching porn and she was so pissed about it that she had to do something. She had talked to him about it and she thought he had understood her. But it turned out he was still doing it secretly. So she took his iPad and she crushed it with her high heels. He had been using it to watch his porn and she crushed it to send a message.

Goddess Joana was bored and as she looked around for what to do, she saw some fruits so she took them and she spent time crushing them. It was fun for her and she enjoyed it a great deal. She did not care about the sort of mess she made in the process as she knew her slave would deal with it and clean everything up just the way she wanted.

Lady Sandy was crushed when she found evidence of her husband cheating on her in his phone. She was so angered by what he did that she crushed the phone without a second thought. She used her high heels to do it and in no time, it was in ruins. When he came back to the house from outside, he found a fuming wife and a phone in ruins. He had to quickly to think of what to do to save the situation.

Mistress Gaia loves to crush things and today she crushed food and specifically fruits. Unlike the other times she did her thing, the mistress chose to get her slave to eat the food she had crushed. He had to eat it off her high heels as well as off the floor. He did not have a choice as she was dead serious on it and she made sure it was done.

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